Smoking Health Risks

Now, Facts About Smoking will explain about smoking health risk. If yesterday we discuss about Effects of smoking for breastfeeding moms, now we will discuss risk of smoking. This is a important discussion, however many people innocence it.
Surely You are familiar with the warning "no smoking". Two words that can be easily found anywhere. It seems no surprise if given the negative impacts caused due to smoking on your body.

One of the main consequences of which you can get from smoking was suffering from heart disease. It is estimated, as many as 20% of deaths from heart disease is directly related to the habit of smoking. Why smoking is so harmful? What are the negative effects of smoking?
Just look at the content of a cigarette. Over 4000 chemicals contained in them. Hundreds of them toxic substances and approximately 70 materials in them cancerous.  
smoking health risks

Hazardous materials on a cigarette, among others impact to Smoking Health Risks

  • Carbon monoxide

Substances that are often found in car exhaust fumes this can bind themselves to the hemoglobin in the blood permanently so that prevent the provision of oxygen to the body. It makes you tired quickly.
  • Tar

When smoked, the tar content in cigarettes will come into being sucked. This substance will be deposited in your lungs and the negative impact on the performance of small hairs that line the lungs. When the hair is in charge to clean up germs and other things out of your lungs.
  • Gas oxidants

 This gas can react with oxygen. Its existence in the body more increases the risk of heart attack and stroke due to blood clotting.
  • Benzene

Substances which are added to the fuel oil it can damage cells at the genetic level. This substance is also associated with various types of cancers such as leukemia and kidney cancer.
In addition to the above ingredients, there are still plenty of toxic contents on cigarette such as arsenic (used in pesticides), toluene (found in paint thinners), formaldehyde (used to preserve corpses), hydrogen cyanide (used to make chemical weapons), and cadmium (used to make the batteries).

When you smoke, you are more likely to be exposed to a heart attack. Smokers at risk two to four times higher heart disease. The risk is higher if you smokers women who are taking birth control pills.
When smoking, you will demonstrate its inserting harmful substances could be bad body, especially the heart. For example the substances nicotine. When nicotine enters the body, a substance that can reduce oxygen levels that will go into the blood. The substances are opium can also speeds up heart rate, raised blood pressure, damage the blood vessels in the heart, and accelerate blood clotting that can trigger a heart attack. So too with bad consequences against the other organs of the body.

Smoking Health Risks for your Organs

  • Brain

Smoking can increase the risk of stroke by 50 percent. It can cause brain damage and death. Smoking can also increase the risk of experiencing a brain aneurysm. A brain aneurysm is a swelling of the blood vessels that occur due to weakening of blood vessel walls. At any time could rupture and cause bleeding in the brain.
  • Mouth and throat

Bad breath and stained teeth is the effects that will be caused by smoking. Gum disease and damage to the sense of taste can arise. A serious problem that will be landed in the mouth and throat is the increased risk of cancer of the tongue, throat, lips, and the vocal cords.
  • The lungs

One of the most dangerous effects due to smoking is lung cancer. Chemicals in cigarettes are potentially damaging cells in the lungs that can form cancer cells. Other serious diseases can you naturally are bronchitis, pneumonia, and emphysema.
  • Hull

Smoking can weaken the muscles that control the bottom of Your esophagus. It allows gastric acid from moving in the wrong direction, i.e. to the esophagus. The condition is called the disease of stomach acid. Some of the risk of disease that would be faced by a smoker is ulcer or ulcer and gastric cancer.
  • Bone

The toxins in cigarettes can damage bones by means of halting construction work cells. Therefore, smokers more at risk of experiencing a brittle bones or osteoporosis. The poison of smoking could also disrupt the balance of hormones that keep the bones remain strong, like the hormone estrogen.
  • Skin

Smokers will look older than who is not a smoker because of lack of intake of oxygen to the skin. Premature aging is going to be felt, such as the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. The poison of smoking can also cause cellulite on the skin.
  • Reproductive Organs

Smoking can interfere with Your fertility and reproductive system. In men, smoking can cause impotence, reduced sperm production, and testicular cancer. While in women, smoking may reduce fertility. In addition, the risk of developing cervical cancer any higher because smoking reduces the body's natural abilities in the fight against human papillomavirus or HPV human infections.
In addition to physical disease, smokers also had higher stress levels than those who do not smoke. During this time you may think smoking can make it more relaxed. You assume the content of nicotine can soothe your mind, but it turns out it is wrong. Which makes smokers restless and anxious symptoms is breaking up a drug against nicotine. With the smoke, the nicotine will be fulfilled against addiction and smokers feel like smoking lowers the stress.

Indeed not all smokers will die of heart disease, lung cancer, or stroke, but the smoking habit can be very annoying and reduce the quality of your life everyday. The effects of smoking that you can feel everyday is coughing, shortness of breath, tired more easily, more susceptible to infection, or having sleep disorders characterized by difficult breathing at night then feel exhausted in the morning.

Maybe you're already accustomed to hear the dangers of smoking to the body, but you still didn't stop the habit of sucking on cigarettes because the current feel your health is still okay.

Keep in mind, smoking is just like saving up toxins in your body that little by little it could accumulate if done continuously. That way, the risk of suffering from the disease will be higher during the quarter. Not only You, the people closest to you will feel the effect because of inhaling toxic smoke.
Source: alodokter

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