Effects of Smoking for breastfeeding Moms

Effect of Smoking

Now, Facts About Smoking will explain about effects of smoking for breastfeeding moms. What do you think when you see a woman who is smoking? Especially if she is breastfeeding a child? Of course you would thought negatively to her, and you will feel pity with the child. 

Yes, if you are a nursing mother. You should also think because you're lactating. Leave a little selfish of you when you are lactating.

Many already know that smoking is harmful to health, either for yourself or someone else even some pregnant women still love to smoke, and they also know a lot of the danger threatening him and the fruit of their hearts. Among them, smoking levels ranging from ' light ' (social smoker) up to the level of ' heavy ' which could spend 2 to 3 packs a day.

Effects of Smoking  for breastfeeding Moms

It is indeed not a few women who finally decide to quit smoking while knowing that he was pregnant. But many also eventually return to smoke when it's giving birth. Even some moms make smoking as a reason to stop menyususi. They are concerned about the side effects of smoking that they went into the suction breast milk and will go into the body of the fruit of their hearts.
That understanding can indeed be justified, because there are indeed bad effects for smokers against BREAST MILK is produced. But they also need to be understood, it will be more dangerous if a baby, living in an environment full of pollution, smokers who don't get BREAST MILK as an intake to increase durability of the body of a baby. And before you can start thinking to start stopping the habit of smoking while breast-feeding, below some explanations about the dangers of smoking to breast feeding:

Dangers Of Smoking To Breast Feeding:

1. Smoke will reduce the body's natural hormone prolactin in the body of the nursing mothers, thus lowering the production of breast milk. And in the production of BREAST MILK reduced indirectly will trigger the opportunity for early weaning or wean too early.
2. Smoking will affect the LDR (let down reflects). This causes difficulty for the ASI issued, making it more difficult to be enjoyed by the baby.
3. Babies who often inhaling cigarette smoke, will increase the risk of developing a disease pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, ear infections, sinus infections, and eye irritation,
4. The baby becomes fussy (Cried), this is because not only the content of nicotine in BREAST MILK but the baby as well as passive smokers in the House will make him restless and cry easily.
5. Baby born of fathers and mothers who smoke, 7 x more likely died of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). In addition, babies 1-3 x more often to the doctor due to respiratory tract infections or diseases related to allergies. And increased risk of becoming smokers when they mature.
6. Children as passive smokers will tend to have a low HDL blood levels, so protection from coronary heart disease will be reduced.
7. Recent Research also found that children who grow up in an environment contaminated cigarette smoke have a level of risk suffered from lung cancer later in life.
The number of dangerous smoke risk mentioned above, usually it is still not enough to make a mother or expectant mother want to quit smoking. So for Mother/women who currently smoke, could do a few steps as below, in order for you and your baby are much more healthy:
Imagine baby's health and also the health of yourself. A healthy condition allows us to have maximum energy in educating and bringing up the fruit of the heart the most.

Tips for nursing mothers who smoke

* When smoke can not stop completely, then don't stop to breastfeeding. The baby's Mother is entitled to get BREAST MILK for at least 2 years or more. This is because BREAST MILK is liquid gold, which contains many of the substances they need for growth. Babies that don't get breast milk and infant formula are given through the bottle teat has a risk of developing the disease in the respiratory tract compared to babies who consume only BREAST MILK for six months. This will further increase when the baby is in an environment full of cigarette smoke.
* Fewer smoking you will also reduce the risk of suction caused.
* Don't ever smoke in one room with the baby, let alone breast feeding while smoking. Should you give a distance of at least 1.5 hours between smoking and breastfeeding, because of a study that the results obtained; the time it takes the body to eliminate the incoming nicotine is approximately 1.5 hours.
* The use of nicotine patches or nicotine gum as a substitute for smoking also gives the same influences like smoking, depending on the levels of nicotine to the body of the candy.
As responsible parents, we certainly want to give the best for fruit. With a short article on the dangers of smoking for nursing mothers and babies is, hopefully can add to our insight. So whatever the choice of the mother, already on the basis of sufficient information and it has been thought out and discussed with her husband or family.

Source: Health Tips for families

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