Everyone knows that smoking is damaging to health, can cause lung cancer, heart pain, strokes and more, but there are still many people who smoke only. It is said that more harm again, smoke sucked up by people who do not smoke. If we know risk of smoking, why we do it again? What are the causes of people addicted to smoking and how to avoid them?
Causes of Smoking in Children
The influence of friends
Most school children start smoking because it is affected by a friend"Come try our delicious, tastes smoked lho." "Ah, you like bense, smoking just scared." "Reply to smoke, we so kul deh." A variety of this persuasion was rejected by children who stepped on a teenager. The pressure from my peers to be as they are so great for teenagers who are searching for his true identity. Think they are smoking something, if it's not like they can stop. Traps such as this is what ultimately makes them smoke till old. According to a footage on Youtube Advertising Smoking Tergokil little kids smoked since the age of 6 years. In the footage was shown of a man of the West who interviewed the children and adults who smoke. Smoking is very cheap in Indonesia because that kids can buy it with his pocket money. Also there are no restrictions on age or prohibition from the Government which sets out what age a child can buy cigarettes. Meanwhile in the u.s. employees of stores that sell smoking occasionally tested his loyalty to check certificate purchasers. A teenager will be told to an act to buy cigarettes and Government officers in tow ready fined the officer if he failed in the test of it.
The influence of film
Since ancient times in the movies are often shown people smoke, the main protagonist or antagonist. Young children who watch be affected, though not seganteng players film, they feel equally cool when they smoke. Current movies India always starts with a warning of the dangers of smoking. There are even any scenes of people smoking would appear the words warning of it. Perhaps they assume unnatural showing everyday life where no one person who smokes. In the u.s. no longer have ads airing on television cigarette. Whereas in the magazine ads cigarettes always list the dangers of smoking.
The influence of parents
If parents smoke, his sons will assume that it is something that goes without saying. By themselves they would grow to become smokers. Even more tragic news has never been young children in Indonesia are addicted to smoking because her parents gave her a cigarette. From an early age she was taught to smoke and his parents are proud to see that, what else when became world news. Really sorry for the fate of children who unwittingly poisoned by his parents own. Parents like that is obviously lacking knowledge about the dangers of smoking.
Pressure stress
People who smoke often say that moods get better after he smoked. Therefore they often become stress-torn smokers streak like a locomotive that kept plumes of smoke. Should they realize that better stress relief by way of exercising. If the stress of facing them is a matter of finances, smoking will add the issue because the money was used to buy cigarettes should be utilized better.
The habit
People who smoke often do so out of habit. Wake up your mouth already acid like to smoke, after lunch they should smoke. As for not knowing what to do, they smoke. There is nothing more important than that. I myself lost my oldest brother because of cigarettes, his lungs was due to cigarette smoke. My brother's a third decided to quit smoking because of it and her health is much better now.
If you want to smoke think mature-mature economic losses, harm to health and also the health of the people around you. Don't forget the dangers of house fires because of falling asleep while smoking is still turned on.
Source: Family
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