What is Smoking and Definition Smoking or Smoker

Smoking is hand-rolled tobacco is rolled up or rolls/paper, wrapped with leaves of corn, or skin, of pinkie with a length of 8-10 cm, usually smoked someone after the burnt edges. Smoking was harmful chemicals. Only by burning and sucking a cigarette, can be produced over 4000 different types of chemicals. 400 of them are poisonous and 40 of them can accumulate in the body and can cause cancer.

Smoking also includes addictive substances because it can cause adiksi (addicted) and dependencies (dependencies) for people who Snort it. In other words, smoking including the DRUGS (Narcotics, psychotropic drugs, alcohol, and addictive substances).
What is Smoking and Definition Smoking or Smoker

Definition Active Smokers

The active smoker is someone who deliberately sucking up hand-rolled tobacco wrapped reels or usually with paper, leaves, and bark of corn. Directly they also inhale smoke they hembuskan from their mouths. Their goal of smoking in General is to warm up their bodies from cold temperatures. But over the course of time utilization smoking misconstrued interpret, now smoking is considered as a means to prove identity that they are smoking is "cool".

The physical characteristics of a smoker:

  • Yellow teethdue tonicotine.
  • Dirtyfingernailsbecausenicotine.
  • The eyes of the poignant.
  • Frequentcoughcough.
  • Mouthand breathodor ofcigarettes.

Definition passive smokers

Passive smokers is a person or a group of people who inhale the cigarette smoke of others. It has been proven that passive smokers are having the risk of health problems that are the same as the active smokers, i.e. people who inhale smoke smoking themselves.

As for early symptoms that can arise on the passive smokers:

  • The eyes of the poignant
  • Runnynose
  • Ahoarsethroat
  • Lightheaded/dizzyhead

If passive smokers are constantly "occupying" typically, it will heighten the risk of health problems, such as:

  • Lung cancer,
  • Heart attack andsuddendeath,
  • Acuteorchronicbronchitis,
  • Emphysema,
  • Flu andallergies,as well as variousdiseases of theorgans of the bodyas mentionedabove.

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