Effects of Smoking that You not Know before, so lets see
Diseases caused By Smoking
The habit of smoking can cause various diseases and can even cause death. Here are some of the diseases caused by smoking, namely:
This article is rediscuss about risk helath for smoker
Hair loss
Smoking weakens the immune system so the body more vulnerable to diseases that cause hair loss, thrush of the mouth, etc.
Smoking is believed to aggravate eye kondisis i.e. memutihnya eyepiece that blocks the entry of light and cause blindness, 40% more happen to smokers. Smoking can cause cataracts in two ways, namely how to irritate the eyes and with the terlepasnya of chemical substances in the lung by the bloodstream is brought up to the eye. Smoking can also be associated with muscular degrasi associated with old age, namely the incurable eye disease caused by the deterioration in the central part of the retina called Mucula. Mucula serves to focus the central vision in the eye and control the ability to read, drive a car, recognize faces and colors and see the object in detail.
Skin wrinkles
Smoking may cause premature aging of the skin due to a defective protein that is useful to maintain skin elasticity, vitamin A terkikisnya, terhambatnya blood flow. Smoker's skin becomes dry and wrinkled especially around the lips and eyes.
Loss of hearing
Because of tobacco can cause the onset of sediment in blood vessel walls so as inhibit the rate of blood flow into the inner ear. Smokers can hearing loss earlier than in people who don't smoke or easier hearing loss due to ear infections or loud sounds. The risk to be exposed to the middle part of the ear infections can lead to more distant kompliksi called Meningitis and Paralysis of the face for smokers 3 times greater than in people who don't smoke.
Skin cancer
Smoking does not cause melanoma (a type of skin cancer that sometimes causes death) but smoking is resulting in increasing the likelihood of death from the disease. Identified that smokers are at risk of suffering from Custaneus Scuamus Cell Cancer cancer leaving blotches on the skin 2 times bigger compared to non smokers.
Smoking affects the chemical balance in the mouth, plaque forms make the teeth become yellow and the occurrence of caries, smokers risk losing their teeth 1.5-fold.
In addition to lung cancer, smoking can cause destruction and widening of enfisema namely air pockets in the lungs that lower lung capacity to suck oxygen and release carbon dioxide. In severe cases use Tracheotomy to help respiratory patients. Like an incision for the ventilation holes on the throat as the entrance of air into the lungs. In the case of Chronic Bronchitis occur muncus buildup resulting in coughing that feels pain and breathing difficulties.
Lung damage
In addition to lung cancer and heart smoking can also cause cough. Due to the destruction of air sacs in the lungs that lower lung capacity and oxygen to release oxygen. When this state of belanjut will occur resulting in a buildup of mucus cough that tersa pains and breathing difficulties.
High risk of developing cancer of the lungs and heart
One of three deaths in the world are caused by heart disease. The use of tobacco is one of the biggest risk factors for this disease. It has been established that cigarette smoke contains more than 40 kinds of toxic substances. The possibility of the incidence of lung cancer in smokers and heart 22 times greater than non-smokers.
Carbon monoxide (CO), namely the many toxic chemicals are present in car exhaust gas and smoke more easily tied to the blood of oxygen so that the blood on the ability to raise the oxygen down 15% in smokers. As a result the bones in smokers lose densitasnya be more easily broken or cracked and healing 805 longer. Smokers also became more vulnerable to problems of the spine. A study showed that factory laborers who smoked 5 times more experience back pain after a trauma.
Heart disease
One of three deaths in the world are caused by cardiovascular disease. The use of tobacco is one of the largest risk factor for this disease. In developing the disease kills more than one million people each year. Cardiovascular disease related to tobacco consumption in developed countries killed more than 600,000 people each year. Smoking causes heart beat faster, menaikkkan blood pressure and increases the risk of the occurrence of hypertension and arterial blockage that eventually lead to heart attacks and strokes.
Peptic ulcers
Tobacco consumption lowers resistance to the bacteria that causes peptic ulcers also minimize the ability of the stomach to neutralize stomach acid after eating so that the rest of the gastric wall of mengerogoti acid. Peptic ulcers suffered smokers more difficult treated and cured.
Diskolori fingers
The tar in cigarette smoke accumulate on the fingers and nails leaving yellowish brown color.
Uterine cancer
In addition to increasing the risk of cervical and uterine cancer smoking meneyebabkan the onset of fertility problems in women and complications during pregnancy and the birth of the baby. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of the birth of babies with LOW BIRTH WEIGHT (Low Birth Weight) and health problems afterward. The failure of pregnant or abort occurs 2-3 times greater in women smokers. The same figures apply also to birth or death due to the lack of oxygen on the fetus and placenta that became abnormal because of polluted by carbon monoxide and Nicotine in cigarette smoke. Sudden infant death syndrome (Sudden Infant Death) is also associated with the use of tobacco. Moreover, smoking can lower estrogen levels that cause the occurrence of premature menopause.
Sperm damage
Smoking can cause deformations on sperm DNA damage and its resulting in abortion. Some studies find that men who smoke increase the risk of becoming the father of the child who is gifted of cancer. Smoking also decrease sperm count and infertility (infertility) occur in smokers.
Buerger's Disease
The occurrence of inflammation in the arteries, veins and nerves, especially in the feet, resulting in terhambatnya blood flow. And if left without treatment will lead to gangrene (death of tissue) so that the patients need to be amputated.
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